Starting Focus Groups


What is a focus group?

A focus group is a small group of people, typically representative of your target market, with whom you share ideas and ask questions about your product, service, or business. The individuals who make up the focus group should be a mix of current customers and people who’ve never made a purchase but might in the future. The ideal outcome is a stronger understanding of how the subject of the focus group would be received by a wider audience, and what changes (if any) should be made before the formal roll-out.

Now you may be asking, is information gathered from focus groups really important? And is it a good strategy to gather information?

Focus Group Strategy

Focus groups can provide your business with priceless information if the participants are a reflection of your target audience.

The data you collect from them is important because it can help you build successful strategies by:

  • Collecting more accurate needs assessments from customers.
  • Pulling meaning behind facts and numbers obtained from more general surveys.

You can take this information and apply it to how you choose to market your product or service, adjust the features to better suit your customers’ pain points.

Now that we understand the importance of focus groups to your operation, you have to have a focus group agenda to follow before you bring in your own participants.


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